Support the school

Thank you for landing on this page which means that you might be considering supporting the school in some way.  There are various ways of doing this:


Each year, we ask for a parental donation to help sustain the extraordinary extracurricular opportunities that set our school apart. These experiences often create lifelong memories, pivotal learning moments, and "sticky" education—the kind of learning that stays with students and proves invaluable during exams. Many students benefit from provision such as:-

  • Theatre productions hosted in school
  • PSHE events
  • Day visits to exhibitions and places of academic interest
  • Transport costs for sports fixtures and visits
  • Guest speakers, work-related learning, and careers education.
  • Health, pastoral and counselling services
  • Supervised study clubs before and after school

These enriching experiences come with additional costs beyond our standard funding. To maintain this distinctive offer, we suggest a parental contribution of £60 per annum (or £20 per term). If every family contributes, we can continue to provide these vital extras that make our school unique. If you haven’t made a gift aid contribution this year, please click the following link.

Please note that if you agree to Gift Aid your donation, these are especially impactful, as they allow us to claim an additional 25p for every £1 donated. Please note that in agreeing to gift aid, you are confirming the following statement.

"I am a UK taxpayer and understand that, if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Please treat as gift aid donation, all qualifying gifts of money made from the date of this declaration."

How to make a donation 

Select one of the links below to make an online donation:

I am a UK taxpayer and would like to make a donation
I am not a UK taxpayer and wish to make a donation

You are welcome to donate as much as you can afford. Donations can be made as one-off contributions or regular standing orders via your bank. Regular donations through Gift Aid really make a difference!

You could also make a straightforward, one-off cash donation. Both of these qualify for Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.  All proceeds will go into the Anglo Education Fund via ParentPay.


The school welcomes volunteers who we believe have an important role to play in supporting our professional colleagues and enriching the education of our students with their time and expertise as well as acting as excellent role models.  If you are interested in volunteering at the school please contact the school office.


Other donations

If you would like to make a donation to the school and are not part of the school community please click here or contact the Finance office on 01277 354018. (Please DO NOT use this link to pay for anything other than a donation).