Parents & School Partnership

Working in partnership with you is crucial

At Anglo European School, we believe that working in partnership with parents and carers is crucial in ensuring the best possible education for your child. We will endeavour to keep you informed, not only of your child’s progress and accomplishments, but also with regard to developments and events in the school generally. In turn, we ask that you support the school policies and have due regard for the professional opinions of teachers, senior leaders and professional support staff when they seek your support in helping your child.

Our Parent Forum meets throughout the year to consult formally with senior staff and trustees of the Co-operative academy as part of its liaison with all constituencies (alumni, community, parents, staff and students). This group promotes the parent voice in the life of the school and allows us to consult regularly on key developments and policy change in school. Having representation from the governing body here ensures that the views of parents are reported to the full governing body, informing decision-making at the highest level of school management.

Our AESA are a very successful parents’ association who support the school as a forum for consultation and a means of raising much needed funds in the current financial climate. They organise and run a wide variety of social and find-raising events during the course of the year which enable parents to meet each other and share experiences of life at the Anglo.

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