Beeleigh Language Hub Student and Teacher Event

Jun 26 2024
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Proudly as a member of the NCLE (National Consortium for Languages Education), we hosted our first Beeleigh Language Hub student & teacher event. Year 10 students from our partner schools, located across the Eastern Region visited us for a cross-hub competition. Our student workshop was led by Business Language Champions who briefed the students on how languages are used within the World Health Organisation. Students then worked collaboratively, using their language skills to build a creative, multi-media campaign to raise awareness of their chosen health issue.

Several students were commended for their stand out performances, including Jack Carter for his linguistic contributions to Anglo's Spanish team and Maite Schulze-Casademunt for her leadership of Anglo's German team. One of the teams from our partner school, James Hornsby High School, took 1st place for the day, their enthusiasm and team work stood out. Anglo's Spanish team, proudly took 2nd place.


Whilst the students were busy working away, teachers from across the Beeleigh Hub didn't get to just sit back, they were working next door on developing HHCL (Home, Heritage and Community Languages) provision. This was led by Clare Allison, Development Officer for HHCL at UCL IOE. We were also pleased that Eva McManamon, Senior Qualification Manager from Pearson Edexcel was able to join this workshop and hear feedback from the schools in order to further develop the HHCL qualifications on offer.

In the afternoon, the student sessions continued with a focus on looking ahead to studying languages further. Students had a Chinese taster lesson with our visitors from BLC and then we welcomed Dr Birgit Smith, former Director of Language Studies in the Department of Languages and Cultures at Lancaster University. She shared how important their linguistic skills are for the future and the many routes and possibilities available when studying Languages at University.

We want to commend the hard work of students from across the Beeleigh Language Hub, they bravely stepped out of their comfort zones to use their linguistic skills outside of their familiar classroom contexts. We'd like to thank our visitors for their valuable contributions to the day and we look forward to more projects and collaboration with our partner schools.