International Visits Programme

As part of our international curriculum, we have a varied and progressive programme of visits and exchanges in every key stage.

This begins with out Year 7 Cross-Curricular Residential to Ebblinghem, in France, where the majority of our students spend a fantastic week engaging with their peers and learning about History linked to the World Wars alongside cultural experiences like eating snails and visiting Nausicca. 

Exchange visits

What makes our school truly international is that for over 40 years we have built relationships with partner schools across Europe and Asia to engage in home-to-home exchange visits.

Our Year 8 and 9 students have the opportunity to carry out short term (8-10 days) reciprocal exchanges.  All students are invited to take part in the exchange visits to the countries of the language they are studying. 

Our students stay in their exchange partner’s home, living with their exchange family and take part in cross-curricular day excursions and activities to places of historical and cultural interest. 

Likewise, the students visit is from the partner school stay with our families and take part in their own excursion programme whilst they are with us. 

Those taking part in the MEP scheme will have the opportunity to visit China in Year 9.

Long term exchanges

In Year 10, we introduce our Long Term exchanges which last for 3-8 weeks.  These exchanges allow students to be fully immersed in the language of the country visited as students attend lessons in our partner school alongside keeping up with their studies from the UK.  We also have a number of cross curricular residentials that aim to link multiples subjects in the context of the destination visited. 

Our Sixth Form students, have further cross-curricular residentials alongside the opportunity to take part in our work experience exchanges.  They spend 2 weeks developing their language whilst working in a variety of placements including schools, bakeries, pharmacies and banks that allow them to gain confidence end experience in their language. 



Year 7  Residential visit to Ebblinghem, France
Year 8 & 9 Exchange visits to: Avignon, Dinan, Wiesbaden, Saronno, Blanes, Cadiz, Girona, Granada and Madrid
Year 9  MEP visit to China
Year 10  Long-term exchanges to: France, Germany and Spain
Year 10 Residential visits to: France, Iceland, Singapore, UK South Coast (History) and Wales (Geography)
Lower Sixth  Work Experience Exchanges to: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and China
Lower Sixth  Residentials to: Geneva, Iceland, Poland/Austria, Singapore and UK Dale Fort (Biology) and Devon (Geography)

How to get financial support for visits 

For more information on our visits programme or help with grants please contact the visits team by email