Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Our students, our staff and our whole school community is diverse. That is a fundamental part of our school and we want our students to recognise that other people, with their differences, can also be right. We want to celebrate diversity whilst reinforcing the importance, and the need, to talk and challenge any behaviour that is unfair, derogatory or discriminatory.

Our diversity and our differences make us a very unique school; we are very proud of this fact; it is what makes us the ‘Anglo Family’.

Equality and fairness, as well as the overarching theme of kindness and open mindedness, are fundamental school priorities. We expect our staff, students, and the families with whom we work, to uphold these core beliefs. We recognise that there is always work to be done in making our community as inclusive as possible and we strive to develop and implement changes where necessary.

Our purpose as a school is to ensure that every student in our care receives high quality education so that they can be successful, healthy and happy in their lives. We want to prepare our students to be global citizens. We recognise our responsibility in fostering a culture in which every one of our students can grow, learn and be ready to contribute positively to society.

Our learner profile describes the attributes we hope our students gain during their time with us: inquirer, knowledgeable, critical, articulate, principled, open-minded, kind, courageous, healthy, reflective, creative and enterprising.


In our school:

• Every student will be supported academically and pastorally regardless of their background
• Every student will have the opportunity to share their voice
• Every member of staff will be supported to develop professionally and their voice will be heard, regardless of their role
• We value support and contributions from our parents through our Parent Forums and School Association
• We value our relationship with our local community and international, wider partners



Diversity: Each of us is unique, with our own story to tell and our uniqueness can be represented in many different ways. These differences strengthen our school community and our sense of family.

Equality: At times, these differences may mean that additional support is required. All our staff and students will have fair access to the same opportunities, regardless of any differences.

Inclusion: Staff, parent and student voice is listened to, and members of our school community feel included and able to contribute.

More Information

Click here for a guide to equality online