

Our curriculum is designed to instil a love of Humanities in all our students through developing their curiosity and fascination about the world.  It focuses on depth of knowledge, evaluative thought and effective subject-specific writing.  Each unit of work is designed by subject specialists to ensure precision of subject specific terminology and contextual knowledge for students and parents. 




Throughout Humanities we address issues of contemporary relevance about the world, delving into topics in greater depth and revisiting key skills such as interpretation and evaluation to embed them.   All staff use assessment for learning to ensure that all lessons are relevant and build on the achievements of earlier lessons to encourage the development of sequential learning.  A cycle of lessons for each topic area carefully plans for this progression and depth concentrating on the skills suited to these particular aspects of the course.  Our lessons incorporate challenging questions for students to apply their learning in a philosophical and open manner, embracing theory of knowledge and its scope in our curriculum area.  Resources are tailored to excite and intrigue our students to encourage them to ask questions about the world around them.



Our Humanities curriculum is high quality, well devised and planned to demonstrate progression which is reflected through student engagement in lessons.  Students are encouraged to research independently to further their own fascination about the topic areas which in turn enables them to make good progress.  Our department reflects on the standards achieved by students against the planned outcomes of our curriculum and adapts resources where appropriate.  We strive for all of our students to develop both a strong knowledge base and critical thinking skills that deepen their understanding of the world further. 

