
Subject Intent

The Music Department seeks to develop students’ musical experiences through the three disciplines of performing, composing and listening. Students will perform, listen to and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions and use their knowledge to compose music that is stylistically convincing. They will be taught instrumental skills for keyboard, ukulele and guitar, and perform solo as well as part of an ensemble. We aim for all our students to explore and develop their own musical strengths and foster a love of music from all backgrounds so that may actively engage with music for the rest of their lives.


Find out more about how our school delivers Music

Subject Implementation

Initially students are taught basic instrument skills which enable them to engage with the subject and access more advanced content. They perform a variety of styles using popular instruments as well as tuned and untuned percussion. There is a strong focus on singing and ensemble skill. Through all key stages we explore a variety of styles and genres, taking in music from a variety of cultures, the classical tradition, popular music styles and music used to support visual media. We perform, compose and analyse music of these genres through examination and manipulation of the elements of music: Melody, Articulation, Dynamics, Time/Tempo, Structure, Harmony, Instruments, Rhythm and Texture. Students are taught how to improvise as well as perform from notation. Music theory is taught with a practical focus and activities are related to real-world examples.


Subject Impact

We aim for our students to be confident musicians whose skills and knowledge stretch across the three areas of performance, composition and listening. Students should be able to analyse music from a range of styles and create convincing performances and compositions that are stylistically accurate. They should be able to perform music on a variety of instruments and be confident to do so in front of others. Students should be able to understand the musical process and recognise Music and the Arts as a valid career path. Students should also recognise the transferable skills they can gain in our subject. They should be creative, inquisitive, confident, focused, respectful, resilient and risk takers.


Essex Music Hub



All students, regardless of ethnic and cultural origin, of gender, and of physical and mental ability, have the right to experience music. Essex Country Council work with Essex Music Hub to provide services such as intrument hire, assisted instrument purchase scheme/interest free instrument loans, information on lessons, groups and concerts etc.




The music department offers a comprehensive range of extra-curricular activities. These include ensembles, Christmas concert, participation in the school’s Eisteddfod and visits to musical performances. The department also regularly contributes to the school’s productions. Past productions have included Les Miserables, Little Shop of Horrors, Guys and Dolls and Bugsy Malone.

The department also holds regular concerts throughout the year, ranging from large events such as the Christmas Concert and B:Fest down to intimate lunchtime sessions.

Head of department

Miss E Jessop